cambodia calling: stop human trafficking

card players in koh kong market

i just drew a fish

waiting for hair & makeup

koh kong market - one of our locations

early morning at my guesthouse in koh kong

girlontape says: i miss my dogs

she loves me she loves me not

filmmaking family

praying to our ancestors
our production manager and our driver

our producer at work

our guides through the mangrove jungle

our director

cambodian people's party
location scouting with our producer, DP and director

stop human trafficking and exploitation

liberté, fraternité, créativité: free jafar panahi

Iranian film director Jafar Panahi at the 2006 Berlin Film Festival - ph: Jan Bauer/AP

Jafar Panahi: sentenced on December 20, 2010 to six years in prison; banned from filmmaking, writing, interacting with the media or foreign cultural organizations for twenty years

sign the petition here
 to free this artist and fellow filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulov, also sentenced to six years' incarceration 
by the gov't of Iran

The Jafar Panahi petition is supported by:
le Festival de Cannes, la SACD, la Cinémathèque française, l'ARP, la Cinémathèque suisse, le Festival international du film de Locarno, le Forum des images, Positif, la SRF, Les Cahiers du cinéma, Citéphilo

plus, an interesting new protest filmmaking idea, check it out:

January 19, 2011. LONDON- Spurred to action by the recent imprisonment and filmmaking ban imposed upon two pro-democracy Iranian filmmakers Jafar Panahi and Mohammad Rasoulof, a new human rights organization and film foundation is offering a revolutionary way for the world to protest human rights abuses...

girl's going up the country

gotta get goin, i can't stay here long
going to some place where i've never been before...

gracias a sus amigos, girlontape se va a camboya
a hacer cine en contra de la trata de menores
y de la prostitución infantil... viva el séptimo arte!

thanks to her friends, girlontape is taking off to cambodia
to make a movie against child prostitution... long live
the seventh art:

"Cinema does not cry. Cinema does not comfort us.
It is with us. It is us."


the second love of my life at first sight after the thin white duke: 

photographer, poet, rock star...another capricorn of course.
photo by girlontape boston 86... we're jammin'

el segundo amor de mi vida a primera vista (dsps de bowie)
fotógrafo, poeta, estrella, glamour sinfin...otro capricornio x supuesto

the unicorn international part 14

courtesy of genius photographer, 
cat savior and friend sofia sforza

la estrella sociométrica de feisbuk (adolfo rozenfeld dixit)

se te extraña belleza franco-chaqueña...
fotaza de mi musa porteña aka eva es drujula por terry minella


antes de dejar su buenos aires querido, girlontape entregó los siguientes frutos de una relación tóxica al fuego purificador: por algo había una parrilla en la terraza de mi última, hermosa, acogedora y sanadora casa porteña.

la petite phrase, le cinéma

As some of you know, my world is divided into those who have experienced proust and those who have not. 
Furthermore, girlWorld is divided into those who can do proust on film, and those who can't. 
Which is easy, because this universe contains only two directors who, in my opinion, have done cinematic justice to the world's greatest work of literature, and thus attained artistic perfection: raul ruiz and volker schlöndorff
Here are their two versions of swann being flooded with emotion, memory and time as he listens to la petite phrase in vinteuil's sonata:

In this clip the sonata starts at 14:30, but the whole sequence is orgasmic: starring jeremy irons, ornella muti, fanny ardant, and alain delon as le baron de charlus...magnifique! 

« Cette soif d'un charme inconnu, la petite phrase l'éveillait en lui, mais ne lui apportait rien de précis pour l'assouvir. De sorte que ces parties de l'âme de Swann où la petite phrase avait effacé le souci des intérêts matériels, les considérations humaines et valables pour tous, elle les avait laissées vacantes et en blanc, et il était libre d'y inscrire le nom d'Odette. Puis à ce que l'affection d'Odette pouvait avoir d'un peu court et décevant, la petite phrase venait ajouter, amalgamer son essence mystérieuse...»

swann's way, 1913

la separación/the break-up

stills from my short the break-up/fijas de la separación
(2005, 20mins, mini-DV)

with/con maria alché, gladys lizarazu, juan minujín, cecilia monteagudo and sofía wilhelmi

wardrobe/vestuario por silvia gurfein
artistic consultant/consulencia artistica por mariana obersztern
editing/montaje por ivan larsen
postproduction/posproducción por ian kornfeld
written, produced and directed by/guión, producción y dirección por stefania fumo

girl, circa 1992

self-portrait at sunset on the beach near Libreville in Gabon...
damn i really miss my silver Norma Kamali bathing suit!

the kiss

on the left: self-portrait with my ex husband, new york circa 1994
on the right: artwork by christophernow

yes, girlontape was married once: it was wild mutual love at first sight, and our dear friend christophernow witnessed it from the start.

mi fotografo fetiche y su banda, de gira

el mismo estara disponible en la gira que la banda va realizar en las siguientes ciudades:

viernes 28 - Mar del Plata- Vinoteca Perrier-19hs
sabado 29 - Neuquen- Teatro del Viento 23 hs
domingo 30 - Tandil

viernes 4 - Rosario
sabado 5 - Mendoza
domingo 6 - La Rioja

presentacion en capital federal en la calle Niceto, con entrada a 40$ y cd nuevo incluido

pronto mas info

el bosco cumple...larga vida a los capricornios!

mi marcello adoré cumplió años en p.o.p.a

galeria de arte
tienda de diseño
lamadrid 882
buenos aires

fotos, galeria, creatividad y amor: 
modelo superglam: iam cara

the ties that bind

minigirlontape and her minisister, circa 1970

Of that holiday all I remember is the little boy who once grabbed me, shouting:
"I Love You!! Do You Love Me??"
"Yes!" I shouted back.
And he stuck his tongue in my mouth.
Then he ran up to my sister and stuck his tongue in her mouth too.
And that was how girlontape first found out that men are traitors and hos.
Of course, I took it out on my sister
...which was nothing new in our brief lives up to that point: she was the youngest, therefore my subject/slave/toy.
To this day she still berates me with things like:
"Remember when you threw that shoe at me?!? I still have the scar...look!"
To which I answer: "Hmmm...I don't see any scar. Remember when I bit you just to see what blood looks like?"
"No! OMG you're so gonna pay for that!!!!"
"Quit your whining...don't forget I lent you my bitchin camaro for a whole summer!"
Etc, etc, etc.

Notice the clear symptoms of Stockholm syndrome in the picture below:

grey grey is the color of the bed where we will sleep

charly and me

girl, circa 1970

 looks like life might be more dangerous among humans than among animals...on dangerous paths will i walk...may my animals lead me! thought minigirlontape, preconsciously paraphrasing friedrich


ph: girlontape • model: my sister • boston 1986

fiat contro fiom: finalmente qualcuno che risponde alla mia domanda...

...e cioè, perché bisogna massacrare gli operai per fabbricare piú auto mentre il mondo soffoca e il petrolio sta finendo?? guido viale risponde:

Ci sarà pur una ragione per cui la totalità dell’establishment italiano, dal Foglio della ex coppia Berlusconi-Veronica a Pietro Ichino - quel che resta della componente pensante di un partito ormai decerebrato - converge nel chiamare “modernizzazione” il diktat di Marchionne (“o così, o si chiude”). 

Che per gli operai di Mirafiori (età media, 46 anni; ridotte capacità lavorative – provocate dal lavoro alle linee – 1.500 su 5.500; molte donne) vuol dire: 18 turni, compresa la notte; tre pause di dieci minuti per soddisfare – in coda – i bisogni fisiologici (a quell’età la prostata comincia a pesare; e nessuno lo sa meglio dell’establishment italiano, ormai alla grande sopra i 60 anni); mensa anche a fine turno (otto ore di lavoro senza mangiare).... (continua sul blog di guido viale)

long live le noir

girlontape recently fell in love with the incredibly sexy,
badass 70s Italian noir jewel milano calibro 9... only to discover
that tarantino and rodriguez are huge fans too. 
I especially adored the character nelly's go-go dance in this scene: 

some say this is robert rodriguez's homage to nelly's go-go dance,
featuring the smokin' rose mcGowan:

tune for a friend who needs protection

para ferkis dearest... video de michel gondry

You're a boy and I'm a girl
But you know you can lean on me

And I don't have no fear
I'll take on any man here

I stand in front of you
I'll take the force of the blow

jacopo fo sul discreto incanto della (non) violenza

Quale punizione per i terroristi?

Mia madre fu rapita, seviziata con tagli di lamette e sigarette spente sul corpo e violentata da un gruppo di fascisti armati. Oggi sappiamo chi erano questi criminali, ma non verranno mai puniti grazie alla prescrizione. (continua sul blog di jacopo fo)

Il Servizio d’Ordine e' criminale?

...Per un paio di anni i feriti a causa degli scontri tra compagni furono piu' del doppio di quelli causati da fascisti e polizia.
E molti episodi che vennero denunciati come aggressioni fasciste erano in realta' scontri tra compagni. E ci furono casi gravissimi che vennero nascosti. Ad esempio quando un dirigente trotschista si trovo' sotto casa una squadra di Katanga e reagì sparando... (continua sul blog di jacopo fo)

C’ero anch’io a lanciare i sassi alla polizia. E mi chiedo come abbia potuto succedere...
La mia storia e' stata un po’ particolare. 
Non a tutti capita che ti rapiscono la mamma e la vedi tornare a casa coperta di sangue.
Sono cose che possono farti impazzire.
Ma, devo essere sincero, questo evento tragico incontro' un terreno fertile.... (continua sul blog di jacopo fo)

don't you wonder sometimes about sound and vision?

my first true love fell to earth 64 years ago today
and i will sit right down, waiting for the gift of sound and vision...

meanwhile, the thin white duke muses about art & life
with his mates iggy, brian eno, lou reed etc.