la bendicion de los animales / the blessing of the animals

ayer girlontape fue a una iglesia muy especial: el dia de san antonio abate, protector de los animales domésticos, en un pueblo cerca de roma, la gente lleva a sus animales a la iglesia…. 

mi caballo Killing Hawk (Halcòn Matador) nos llevo a todos: los que están y los que no, los que siguen en argentina y los de una amiga en uruguay! 

on the day of st. anthony the protector of domestic animals, people in canale monterano village near rome take their non-human loved ones to church. 

Killing Hawk my horse for the day took me and all my loved ones - those at home, those still in argentina, and those who are no longer with us - safely there and back…

girlontape + killing hawk, happy together
la vuelta / going home


giardigno65 said...

gli animali salveranno il mondo

lale battista said...


Rob K said...

Bella costumbre. Saludos.

girlontape said...


J said...

I'd give that horse an apple.
I'd give you an apple too, but the horse would have to be first.

J said...

I can't ride a horse, but whenever I get the chance I like to lean over a fence and pet a horse on the nose. Horses are our friends.

Mari Pops said...

me encanto Stef!

girlontape said...

thanks for the apple J. I gave Killing Hawk some carrots.

J said...

It's a bit of a crazy name for a nice horse.