Londres, fiesta de fin de año: yo y la princesa hindú anidamos bajo una montaña de tapados, cagándonos de frio y evaluando a la fauna. Al rato sobresale cierto rubio que me sonríe de lejos mientras charla con mi hermana. “Ese” susurro. “No way” me corta la soberba de Maya, que básicamente odia a todo el mundo, mientras el rubio gravita estratégicamente hacia nuestro sillón. Se me dibuja el producto perfeccionado de generaciones de anglosajones agarrándose a palos en canchas de rugby muy verdes, muy húmedas, en colegios muy exclusivos. Quizás sea sólo su suéter tan grueso y funcional que genera entre nosotros un abismo infranqueable...en fin, todo en mi rechaza todo lo que él aparenta. Pero misteriosamente cuando el deportista viene a parar muy cerca, me parece absolutamente necesario apoyar mi taco Miu Miu en su pantorrilla. Él registra, y se queda ahí clavado mientras sigue conversando: puntos para sensibilidad y obediencia. Encima el roce entre mi zapato italiano –delicioso fruto de siglos de tradición y de cultura, cosa que este rudo inglés no va a entender nunca- y su robusta pierna de jugador de rugby me genera una pequeña duda: a veces, muy pocas, las apariencias engañan. “Voy a buscar agua” dice Maya horrorizada y huye.
El deportista se cola inmediatamente al lado mío. “Estuve averiguando todo de vos con tu hermana” me dice enumerando mi nombre, ocupación, residencia, edad, estado civil, mientras me entero de que no es ningún jugador de rugby, sino docente de literatura en Oxford con su propio programa en la BBC y no termina ahí...el fluyo de su pelo dorado, su mandíbula cuadrada y pómulos perfectos y el fuego sutil, magnético y prometedor que anima a sus ojos verdes, me devuelven un Robert Redford jóven y con acento inglés: una trampa potencialmente mortal. Su atención experta y halagadora me enreda, enseguida la conversación es un juego hábil y apasionante y quiero que no pare nunca...Al rato llega una chica rubia, robusta, rebosante de salud y por supuesto con un desgraciado suéter de lana. El Robert Redford inglés le pasa un brazo por la cintura. “Hola amor” le dice. “¿Queres tomar algo?”
Reaparece Maya con el agua, corre a la pareja lanosa fulminándola con su característica mirada de desprecio y vuelve a acurrucarse conmigo en nuestro nido. “Aburridísimo…cero onda…ni se te ocurra” me sibila a la oreja mi mejor amiga deslizando sus dedos por debajo de mi vestido ocultado bajo la montaña de tapados. Nos están subiendo las pastis, y la sensación de las yemas de Maya circulando mi ombligo se funde placenteramente con las cálidas radiaciones de la droga que se expanden en olas concéntricas desde mi estómago hacia fuera mientras me fascino un poco más todavía con mi princesa. No cambies nunca preciosa que yo te quiero así: espléndida y arisca como nadie.
Corte al día siguiente, cuando una docena de rosas rojas en nuestro hotel anuncian la llegada sorpresiva del histérico de mi ex. Quizá no haya nada como la cogida final de una relación, cuando la voluptuosidad cargada de desdicha se amplifica hacia niveles Anna Karenina y Vronsky...cosa que al boludo de mi ex se le pasa por encima, ocupado como está con su tentativo de chantajearme con casa en Parioli, matrimonio, toda su herencia a mi disposición. “Pero si no estoy enamorada” repito, colgada ya con memorias del Robert Redford inglés que me agarró a último momento y me susurró sé donde vivis...vengo a buscarte a NY. Dónde fabrican a ejemplares como vos hijo de remil putaaaas?
Corte a lo único que cuenta en todo esto, aka la llegada de mi amante casado. Y sí: los novios van y vienen pero hace un par de años que la perra encontró a su dueño, y es éste rockstar demencial. Corro a ponerme mi portaligas de encaje, corset de piel y demás accesorios que lo van a volver loco y acudo a su aguantadero vip, en este caso una suite de miles de metros cuadrados forrada de alfombras persas, fastosos muebles barrocos y arañas de cristales Swarowski donde, según el boletín oficial que me pasó antes de viajar, vamos a convivir unos días: todo un lujo. Cuando entro está hablando por tel, con un gesto me indica que me quite la ropa y que gire así me mira toda. Estoy dando vueltas en tacos medias de red y nada más estilo Charlotte Rampling en la icónica foto de Helmut Newton cuando me llama el psicópata de mi ex.
“En qué andas puta” me silba mientras, piernas abiertas en el sillón Louis XIV, feliz, miro a mi amante que se me viene encima con todo. “A punto de coger con mi novio, largate" le digo y cuelgo. “La próxima vez no cortes” me dice clavándose adentro mío, ahí viene, contesto con un gemido que surge ni sé de qué parte de mi ser. “Así te quiero perra” susurra mi ex y suena tan tierno, tan cerca que vuelve a emocionarme mientras mi amante me sonríe y empuja fuerte convirtiendo mi cuerpo en un circuito cerrado en dónde corre la adrenalina en olas alternantes de calor y de escalofríos rizándome todos los pelos, arrancándome extrañas palpitaciones, sonidos y temblores. Otra para el top ten y a parte impecable el timing, se pusieron de acuerdo o qué? Bueno...por eso la perra anda tan orgullosa de su dueño.
Corte a NY interno noche: estoy luchando en cuerpo a cuerpo con el músico francés que me estuvo quemando la cabeza desde que cayó en unas de mis lecturas. Un bombonazo fatal y encima talentoso, somos fans mutuos jaja. Todavía no sé que posee una novia de la que no se va a separar pero sí tiene una pija, es muy linda. Lloro -nada que ver con él- atrapada en alguna insoportable cadena de causa y efecto de la que trato de zafar saboreando distintas versiones de mi cuerpo en su boca, que es hermosa. “Me calienta que estés llorando” me susurra y con eso, ni idea por qué, de golpe me arranca del pequeño infierno mecánico. Voy a aprender a manejarme en la cancha de una puta vez?
Pero le tengo que cortar la racha por que, estancado de vuelta en su monomaníaca cajita domestica, está mi amante al tel desde LA con el boletín oficial: a la próxima para en mi casa, total en Brooklyn los paparazzis le pierden el rastro ergo su mujer no se entera jamás y así me puede mirar cogiendo con mi novio. “¿Qué novio?” le digo en un desborde de auto conmiseración, un asco. Escucho una voz de niño que se acerca, debe ser uno de sus miles de nenes preciosos. “Te vuelvo a llamar en unos minutos así se me para y después voy a coger a mi mujer” me informa rápido y corta mientras vuelvo a preguntarme inútilmente por qué de paso no me embaraza a mi también.
Hoy camino a casa desde lo de Maya después de un recontra techno baile en Discothèque después de una fiesta aburrida en Remedy después de tragos ricos en Final Feliz después de lo de Coco, dónde apagamos las luces nos agarramos todos de las manos y escuchamos a bela lugosi's dead después de la inauguración del nuevo local de la genia de Vivienne Westwood, iba volando por mi puente de Brooklyn adorado, desierto a esa hora de la madrugada, cuando un aire radiante se metió de golpe por la ventanilla del taxi y me acarició por toda la piel como un pájaro invisible de plumas larguísimas, cálidas y doradas. Qué delirio mi ciudad y qué momentos me regala: acá los tengo, grabados uno por uno en mi corazón. En fin, yo sigo siendo una viciosa con un dolor de cabeza fatal, hoy es un día perfecto, y vos mi vida ¿cómo estas? ¿Me extrañas por lo menos un poco?
curve balls
Let me come over, says Mark sounding hysterical. This should be a warning to me, but isn’t.
You’re insane, I say. Leave me alone.
Listen to me, he says. We’ve been hanging out but we never talk about the fact that I really like you -
Why don’t we?
Because you’re always too fucking cool for school.
Why are you calling me like this?
Just let me come over, he says.
He stands in my kitchen.
Are you high? I ask. He must be. I would be at this hour.
No, he lies.
Why are you here?
Because, he says. Goddamn you. Do you like me?
I don’t know yet.
You do know. You know everything.
I don’t, I yell. I’m just trying to get by without losing my mind.
Shut up, he says. Come here.
He pulls me close.
I didn’t think this could happen but you’ve made me believe again, he whispers.
I lean into his sun-honeyed skin.
Girls like you really strike me, he says.
There is only one girl like me, I say pretending to stab him in the heart.
That’s exactly where you strike me, he says.
We float to my bed. He lifts me onto his belly. Jesus you are so wet, he says. Why don’t you fuck on this for a while.
He lays his tongue on me. He’s amazing as usual. I open my legs wider. I come for him for the first time, really hard.
Look at me sweetheart, he says holding my face. I’m afraid to but I do it anyway. My body opens to him and I find his rhythm and I follow it until he comes with abandon.
I must be getting comfortable with you, he says.
I can’t believe you’re here, I say. Big beautiful boy.
Gorgeous girl, he murmurs.
We fall asleep mid-kiss, our bodies plastered against each other, our lips touching.
Two weeks later. For the hundredth time I wonder why Mark isn’t calling. Note to self: do not sleep with a Republican ever again. I’m drinking as hard and fast as I can.
My cousin swims to me through the glittering throngs.
The after party is at Float, she shouts.
We get to the next venue. More glittering throngs. There is the prince of darkness, standing against a wall. He tells me his name is Gabriel. He starts talking my head off. I wish he weren’t this intelligent. I just want some peace and quiet so I can get loaded. But he doesn’t care how I feel, he is just so ecstatic to meet a chick who reads Nabokov not Cosmo. Except he doesn’t like Nabokov. This should be a warning to me, but isn’t.
This guy who’s been hitting on you, my cousin says an hour later in passing. Is fucking gorgeous.
I take another look. She’s right.
He kisses me like a maniac. Everyone stares at us. I wish Mark was here instead of this stranger.
He says, Come do a line with me.
We are in someone’s apartment. There is a hit of coke on the table. I do it then he tumbles me on the couch. His mind is pure speed, his body all force. He keeps butting me with his huge hardon. It’s like swimming with a dolphin. Something tall, elegant, and inhuman. I wrestle out of his grip.
Let’s go visit my friend, he says.
On the street he holds my hand. I really like you, he says pulling me along.
We are in a long dark bar after last call. Red lights and black couches everywhere. He introduces me to people. Someone gives us drinks. Come over here for a minute, he says.
Out of sight in an alcove we tangle in a frenzy. He lays me down.
Do you have a boyfriend?
No, I say.
He puts his tongue between my legs. He feels kind of good so I open them wider. I flash on the other night when I came in Mark’s mouth again.
I have to go, I say.
He takes my number.
He starts calling.
Let me come over, he says.
You can’t, I say. I did something stupid to my leg.
Let me take care of you.
I lie on the floor wacked out on painkillers. We kiss. Sensations of lust and malaise transmit to me from his frantic body. I push him away again and again. I expect him to go but he keeps talking.
He sings me the lyrics to all his favorite tunes. He plays with my puppies and tells me that he loves them. He goes for cigarettes when we run out.
He says, I feel like I’ve known you for a long time.
At the end of the day I throw him out.
Another night we go to a party and stay up until the next morning. We talk for hours. I watch the way he smokes each cigarette down to the quick. His fingernails are dirty.
I’m telling you everything, he says. I want you to know what is going on in my life.
I begin to like him at last.
Careful of my leg, I say.
Honey, he says. It’s going to have to hurt a little bit. He pins me down.
He says, Your body is my religion.
On the fourth night I ask, Why are you still here?
I like you, he says. I need you.
He washes over me in many different ways. Finally I tell him to go home.
Two weeks later. The rooftop barbeque is off to a slow start. Everyone has left to go get more beer. I sit by myself and wonder why Gabriel hasn’t called like he said he would. Note to self: never let a guy who doesn’t like Nabokov into your bed.
The old man and the girl sit on deck chairs among the geraniums. It’s a perfect night. Ivy grows along white walls. We could be on Capri. The old man gets up to go look at the stars.
It’s so weird hanging out with my father, says the girl. I haven’t seen him in my entire life.
Oh, I say indifferently. I light a cigarette. I wish Gabriel were here instead of these strangers. I start drinking.
Paul comes up the stairs. Pulls up a chair, puts his legs around mine. I look at his cute body inside his hipster clothes.
I can’t kiss you, he says. You’re wearing that perfume I hate.
I’ve always worn it.
You didn’t before.
Right. We were covered in beer back then.
Beer and blood, he says.
What blood. That was champagne.
You gave me a bloody nose once remember? When we had our wars. You made me so hot.
Will you make me a hamburger? I say.
He disappears.
Jesse comes up the stairs. He sits in front of me and starts talking. I’m trying hard to get loaded.
How about oysters at Balthazar? He says after a while. How about a Percodan and a bottle of really good champagne?
Bring it on brother, I answer.
The glittering throngs are pouring up the stairs.
This guy who’s been in your face for the past three hours, says my cousin in passing. Is really fucking cute.
I check him out. She’s right.
Let’s go to Sway, I tell her. DJ has to save my life tonight.
Can I come too? he says.
The club is going off.
This bottle looks like it has cancer, I say holding my weird Budweiser.
It looks like my glass dildo, he says. No one likes it.
Why not?
They all said it’s too cold.
We dance to ACDC. His body is compact and warm and magnetic. He lifts me off the floor. I lick the sweat in the hollow of his neck. I flash on Gabriel’s skin, which was white and cool and clammy.
I’m glad I came out tonight, says Jesse.
I have to go, I say.
He takes my number.
He starts calling.
You’re insane, I say. Leave me alone.
Listen to me, he says. We’ve been hanging out but we never talk about the fact that I really like you -
Why don’t we?
Because you’re always too fucking cool for school.
Why are you calling me like this?
Just let me come over, he says.
He stands in my kitchen.
Are you high? I ask. He must be. I would be at this hour.
No, he lies.
Why are you here?
Because, he says. Goddamn you. Do you like me?
I don’t know yet.
You do know. You know everything.
I don’t, I yell. I’m just trying to get by without losing my mind.
Shut up, he says. Come here.
He pulls me close.
I didn’t think this could happen but you’ve made me believe again, he whispers.
I lean into his sun-honeyed skin.
Girls like you really strike me, he says.
There is only one girl like me, I say pretending to stab him in the heart.
That’s exactly where you strike me, he says.
We float to my bed. He lifts me onto his belly. Jesus you are so wet, he says. Why don’t you fuck on this for a while.
He lays his tongue on me. He’s amazing as usual. I open my legs wider. I come for him for the first time, really hard.
Look at me sweetheart, he says holding my face. I’m afraid to but I do it anyway. My body opens to him and I find his rhythm and I follow it until he comes with abandon.
I must be getting comfortable with you, he says.
I can’t believe you’re here, I say. Big beautiful boy.
Gorgeous girl, he murmurs.
We fall asleep mid-kiss, our bodies plastered against each other, our lips touching.
Two weeks later. For the hundredth time I wonder why Mark isn’t calling. Note to self: do not sleep with a Republican ever again. I’m drinking as hard and fast as I can.
My cousin swims to me through the glittering throngs.
The after party is at Float, she shouts.
We get to the next venue. More glittering throngs. There is the prince of darkness, standing against a wall. He tells me his name is Gabriel. He starts talking my head off. I wish he weren’t this intelligent. I just want some peace and quiet so I can get loaded. But he doesn’t care how I feel, he is just so ecstatic to meet a chick who reads Nabokov not Cosmo. Except he doesn’t like Nabokov. This should be a warning to me, but isn’t.
This guy who’s been hitting on you, my cousin says an hour later in passing. Is fucking gorgeous.
I take another look. She’s right.
He kisses me like a maniac. Everyone stares at us. I wish Mark was here instead of this stranger.
He says, Come do a line with me.
We are in someone’s apartment. There is a hit of coke on the table. I do it then he tumbles me on the couch. His mind is pure speed, his body all force. He keeps butting me with his huge hardon. It’s like swimming with a dolphin. Something tall, elegant, and inhuman. I wrestle out of his grip.
Let’s go visit my friend, he says.
On the street he holds my hand. I really like you, he says pulling me along.
We are in a long dark bar after last call. Red lights and black couches everywhere. He introduces me to people. Someone gives us drinks. Come over here for a minute, he says.
Out of sight in an alcove we tangle in a frenzy. He lays me down.
Do you have a boyfriend?
No, I say.
He puts his tongue between my legs. He feels kind of good so I open them wider. I flash on the other night when I came in Mark’s mouth again.
I have to go, I say.
He takes my number.
He starts calling.
Let me come over, he says.
You can’t, I say. I did something stupid to my leg.
Let me take care of you.
I lie on the floor wacked out on painkillers. We kiss. Sensations of lust and malaise transmit to me from his frantic body. I push him away again and again. I expect him to go but he keeps talking.
He sings me the lyrics to all his favorite tunes. He plays with my puppies and tells me that he loves them. He goes for cigarettes when we run out.
He says, I feel like I’ve known you for a long time.
At the end of the day I throw him out.
Another night we go to a party and stay up until the next morning. We talk for hours. I watch the way he smokes each cigarette down to the quick. His fingernails are dirty.
I’m telling you everything, he says. I want you to know what is going on in my life.
I begin to like him at last.
Careful of my leg, I say.
Honey, he says. It’s going to have to hurt a little bit. He pins me down.
He says, Your body is my religion.
On the fourth night I ask, Why are you still here?
I like you, he says. I need you.
He washes over me in many different ways. Finally I tell him to go home.
Two weeks later. The rooftop barbeque is off to a slow start. Everyone has left to go get more beer. I sit by myself and wonder why Gabriel hasn’t called like he said he would. Note to self: never let a guy who doesn’t like Nabokov into your bed.
The old man and the girl sit on deck chairs among the geraniums. It’s a perfect night. Ivy grows along white walls. We could be on Capri. The old man gets up to go look at the stars.
It’s so weird hanging out with my father, says the girl. I haven’t seen him in my entire life.
Oh, I say indifferently. I light a cigarette. I wish Gabriel were here instead of these strangers. I start drinking.
Paul comes up the stairs. Pulls up a chair, puts his legs around mine. I look at his cute body inside his hipster clothes.
I can’t kiss you, he says. You’re wearing that perfume I hate.
I’ve always worn it.
You didn’t before.
Right. We were covered in beer back then.
Beer and blood, he says.
What blood. That was champagne.
You gave me a bloody nose once remember? When we had our wars. You made me so hot.
Will you make me a hamburger? I say.
He disappears.
Jesse comes up the stairs. He sits in front of me and starts talking. I’m trying hard to get loaded.
How about oysters at Balthazar? He says after a while. How about a Percodan and a bottle of really good champagne?
Bring it on brother, I answer.
The glittering throngs are pouring up the stairs.
This guy who’s been in your face for the past three hours, says my cousin in passing. Is really fucking cute.
I check him out. She’s right.
Let’s go to Sway, I tell her. DJ has to save my life tonight.
Can I come too? he says.
The club is going off.
This bottle looks like it has cancer, I say holding my weird Budweiser.
It looks like my glass dildo, he says. No one likes it.
Why not?
They all said it’s too cold.
We dance to ACDC. His body is compact and warm and magnetic. He lifts me off the floor. I lick the sweat in the hollow of his neck. I flash on Gabriel’s skin, which was white and cool and clammy.
I’m glad I came out tonight, says Jesse.
I have to go, I say.
He takes my number.
He starts calling.
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